Potters Comeback Effort Falls Short

The Potters drop the third game of the series to the Chico Heat 8-5. The Potters were down 5-0 after 6 innings. Heat starter Shane Gustafsen went 6 innings allowed only 3 hits and struck out 10. Sam Abernathy came on to relieve him in the 7th inning and Brian Morley tripled to lead off the inning. Morley also doubled earlier in the game and went 2-3 on the night. Smethurst and Patterson were both hit by pitches to load the bases for Charles Middleton. Middleton singled home 2 to get the Potters on the board. After Fonseca reached on an error to make the score 5-3, the Heat got 2 outs. Walker Dodero pinch hit for Joe Starick and drove in the other 2 runs to get the Potters to even at 5 after 7. 

In the top of the 8th, Justin Smith allowed the first two men to reach which brought in Travis Parker. Parker gave up a soft hit to load the bases. After turning a double play it looked like the Potters may get out of the inning but after another walk Jordan Parker doubled to clear the bases to give the Heat an 8-5 lead. Blake Bonner would make the lead hold up as the Potters fall to 7-5 while the Heat improve to 8-3. 

The winning pitcher was Blake Bonner who went 2 and 2/3 innings allowing only 2 hits and one walk while striking out 5. Travis Parker takes the loss for the Potters. 

The Potters play 2 against the Seals in Alameda before returning home for 3 against the Gold Sox starting on Friday night. You can buy tickets here: Tickets

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